2 ideas to put more money in Dane County residents' pockets win big at national competition

May 2, 2021
UW-Madison faculty and staff on two teams that include community partners won money in a national competition that asked for big ideas on how to move more people into the middle class.

Here’s a big, lofty question for you to wrestle with: How would you increase the income of 10,000 Dane County households by 10% — or about $4,000 — by 2020?
Two area teams won $1.5 million last week in a national competition to put their answers to that ambitious question into action.
Read the full Wisconsin State Journal article online: https://madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/university/ideas-to-put-more-money-in-dane-county-residents-pockets/article_bf5256f4-916a-5e19-a46f-75872eeb8744.html