A Fidelity Bond provides insurance protection for employers against dishonest acts by employees such as theft, embezzlement, and vandalism. By decreasing the risk to employers, the Fidelity Bond also increases the job seekers' chances of being hired despite blemishes on their record.
The employer or job applicant must contact the nearest Wisconsin Job Center. Call (888) 258-9966 or see this list of Wisconsin Job Center locations. The applicant must first visit and register with the Job Center. Other than this registration, there are no papers to be completed by the job applicant or the employer in order for the bond to be issued.
The applicant must receive a job offer and the employer must schedule a date to start work before a bond can be issued. The Job Center will contact the local bonding representative who will submit the proper paper work to Job Service (central office).
Are you working with people pre- or post-release who have criminal records or criminal debt and need help managing their financial challenges? "Focus on Reentry" is a companion guide to the "Your Money, Your Goals" toolkit that can help you help them address financial challenges.
Download a PDF for free or order letter-sized, 3-hole-punched printed copies of this and other free publications from the CFPB.
A Case Manager focuses on helping Re-Entry participants address their employment and training needs through services and referrals focusing on motivation/life skills activities, employment search, and employer based skills training activities.
Windows to Work (W2W) provides re-entry tools, support and career coaching services to incarcerated individuals beginning 3-9 months prior to release and for approximately one year post-release.